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The Weekly Brief

Just a quick update in case you missed it.

Released on 09.08.2024

Kurdish civil rights activist sentenced to prison in Dehgolan

Kurdish civil rights activist Hekmat Amiri, known for his work on environmental and social issues, has been sentenced to six months of imprisonment and 36 months of suspended imprisonment by Branch One of the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Dehgolan, Kurdistan Province. The court, presided over by Judge Rostami-Ahmar, convicted him on charges of “propaganda against the state” and “collaboration with hostile groups”.

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Germany justice minister warns against travel to Russia amidst prisoner exchange and human rights concerns

Germany justice minister warns against travel to Russia amidst prisoner exchange and human rights concerns German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann told a local magazine on Tuesday that he advises Germans against travelling to Russia, stressing that no one has been safe in Russia for a long time. Buschmann’s comments came in the wake of a recent prisoner exchange with Russia, in which Germany played a pivotal role.

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Human rights activist calls for free and fair elections in Bangladesh

Md Masbah U Ahmed, human rights activist and a postgraduate in Bengali literature, who has lent his voice to the student uprising in Bangladesh, writing posters and telling people to protest the killing of students, told The Indian Express that their main demand was to completely abolish the quota system in government recruitment and reserve some benefits only for tribals and physically challenged persons.

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Unite to fight for human rights in eSwatini

What happens when those who are supposed to promote and protect human rights violate them? Three years after eSwatini’s crackdown on pro-democracy protests and more than 500 days since Thulani Maseko, a prominent human rights lawyer and opposition activist was killed there, how do we harness support around the world against human rights violations in eSwatini? The country received a score of 17 out of 100 in Freedom House’s Freedom in the World 2024 report. It scored 1 out of 40 on political freedoms and 16 out of 60 for civil liberties, with a conclusion that eSwatini was “not free”.

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Rights groups condemn Iran's 'abhorrent' execution of protester

Iran faced condemnation from human rights groups Wednesday over its execution of a man convicted of killing a Revolutionary Guard in 2022 protests, with activists saying his confession had been obtained by torture. Gholamreza Rasaei, in his mid-thirties, is the 10th man executed by Iran in connection with the months-long protests that erupted in September 2022 after the death in custody of Mahsa Amini. The Iranian Kurd had been arrested for an alleged breach of the country's strict dress code for women.

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PKK/YPG terror group commits human rights violations in Syria: Amnesty

Amnesty International said that the terror group Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – an umbrella group dominated by the PKK/YPG’s Syrian offshoot – committed widespread human rights violations in Syrian detention camps. The human rights watchdog released a report about the terrorist organization PKK/YPG, aka SDF and the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES) of extensive human rights abuses in their detention facilities and the al-Hol and Roj displaced persons camps.

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Thailand: Dissolution of election-winning party a setback for democracy, human rights

Thailand’s Constitutional Court ordered the dissolution of the main opposition Move Forward Party (MFP), the political party that won the highest number of votes (14.4 millions) and parliamentary seats (151) in the 14 May 2023 general election. In addition, the Court ordered a ban on holding political office for 10 years for the party’s leader and executive members. "With the dissolution of the Move Forward Party, Thailand’s international reputation takes another big hit. The reform of the lèse-majesté provisions is a fundamental condition for the safeguard of democratic space and the exercise of the right to freedom of expression in accordance with international norms", said FIDH Secretary-General Adilur Rahman Khan.

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